Well this is my first official blog, I figured since I am awful at writing in a journal this may be the next best thing to keep track of my life.
This being the holiday season I figured to get started I'll give an update on what I have been up to. I currently am attending Brigham Young University Idaho. I am just starting my second semester as an English Ed. Major, American Gov. Minor. I am currently dating the best guy in the entire continental United States, Adam Figgat. He is basically the best. :) I turned nineteen just a week ago. Favorite color is still pink after 15 years and I am still the messiest person you will ever meet.
So far on my break, we drove from Rexburg to California in basically 13 hours (it's a record), I turned nineteen, I got to see all of my friends, went to Carlsbad and hung out with the Figgats, had a crazy Christmas Eve with the family, von Schlegells, and a family friend, and today is boxing day (boxing day is a celebrated holiday in the Hayhurst household). I've also seen Avatar 3D Imax, which was great! Then yesterday we went and saw Sherlock Holmes. Anyways, life is good. I am loving almost every moment. :)