Greetings! We decided we should include an
update on everything that has occurred these last few months. I ended up graduating cum laude, which was super exciting for me. Nerdy, but true. In case you didn't know, we moved to Salt
Lake City, Utah immediately following graduation where I completed my student teaching assignment at Cyprus High School (Pirate Pride!). My time as a student teacher included some of the most rewarding times in my life. The kids that I taught really made a difference in my life. Also, I feel like I really found what I want to do with my rest of my life. I love being a teacher! During the few months that we lived in Utah, Adam did
freelance marketing work. After our time in Salt Lake ended, we decided to move
to (drum roll, please) Rexburg, Idaho. While we did not expect to ever move
back to the city of our Alma Mater, we could not be happier to be back. I was
offered an adjunct faculty position at BYU-Idaho, where I will teach English starting
Fall 2013. Adam is continuing freelance work for the time being. Thus, it will
be at least a few more frigid winters for us in the frozen tundra called
Rexburg. We hope all is well with all who read these words.
Here are some pictures from our time in Utah...
first day as a student teacher |
Tara & Ryan came to visit/ski with us at Canyons |
We dated a lot, considering we had only a few friends and not very much time in Utah. |
Love these boys, even when Jeremy farted... a lot ;) |
Tuesday night was Taco Tuesday and Del Taco was the only place that we could find that upheld such a tradition |
Valentine's Day: Dinner at Normandie and we saw Warm Bodies |
Said goodbye to my little sister before she left on her mission |
My family came to visit! |
I got new skis, which I used all the time thanks to our passes at Canyons |
This is Lil' Sebastian. I drove past him everyday on my way to work. |
We had our two year anniversary! We celebrated by going to Texas de Brazil (thanks to Groupon). |
We went to St. George & hiked Angel's Landing. |
Yeah, I climbed that ridge. |
My Fisherman |
I loved all of the gorgeous tulips in Utah, especially the ones at Temple Square. |
Salt Lake City LDS Temple |
My cousins built riot shields and shot BB guns at us. Super fun :) |
We lived in East Millcreek, which gave us a perfect view of the sunset each night. |
I taught the Valiant 10/11 class. It was my favorite calling thus far. |
Chilling in Grandma's basement aka home |
Also, we lived across from 7-11. It was a bit of a problem. Slurpee lovers for life! |