Hey peeps!!
So I'm super excited for awkward and awesome thursday today because well this week was pretty awesome.
Let's start with awkward...
-Your neighbors seeing you in your towel dashing between the bathroom and your bedroom due to the fact that some unnamed hubby left the blinds open.
-The fact that BYUI has officially half of the campus under construction, thus making it difficult to get across campus in a timely manner. And because of that named construction crisis, being forced to run between classes in order to be there on time-- let's just say huffing, puffing, and panting DO NOT suit me.
-Most handshakes. I've been doing interviewing this week for work with my co-workers and there have been some of those, "oh, you're going to shake my hand moments." Plus think about it... sometimes hands are gross. I don't want to shake someones hand where I don't know where it has been!
-Losing things. Gosh that sucks.
I'm sure there is more awkward but for the moment I cannot think of any.
Here is the AWESOME:
-Nailed my piano recital piece tonight. Only messed up once, new record? I think yes.
-Getting wedding money months after getting married.
-I am HEALED. I can eat and drink and breathe! Hallelujah.
-Remembering enough Latin from my choir days to translate quotes from Robert Browning's The Ring and the Book
-Stumping your English teacher with your knowledge of literature. Never thought I'd see that day!
-Box full of fireworks to be used for our ultra awesome camp trip. It'll be Suhhhhweet!
-Having time to cuddle.
-Packages from family. The in-laws totally hooked it up this week with a tent, cheez-its, a totally adorable quilted table decor.
-Finding a bag of quarters. Can anyone say laundry money?
-Making that homemade bread... Ya, I mentioned earlier this week, but REALLY it was that good.
-Finding joy in your major. Can I just say that I love my classes?
-Only having 11 episodes left in the whole series of Lost. Not that I don't love it, but it's time to end it.
-Three day weekends. I'm looking forward to spending time the hubby and good friends. Wish us luck so we don't blow our hands off with the said fireworks Adam got earlier today.
Have a great and safe weekend!!
Love, Evi
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
YouTube Wednesday
On this fine morning I am near falling asleep at my desk.
The only thing that is stopping me is well my boss is in the next office (aka less than fifty feet away) and drooling on a desk really is not the cutest thing.
So to keep myself awake I am playing this video over and over on silent due to the boss less than fifty feet away thing.
Okay so this one made me laugh really hard.
Apparently it's been around FOREVER, but really I don't care.
When I am old and even more boring than I am now I will look at my blog and gosh darn it I want to see this video. Maybe by that point I will be half asleep and drooling, because who stop a grumpy old lady from napping.
Anyways, old person rant aside...
Click here
to watch one of the funniest videos ever. You will not know if you should laugh or cry with him.
The only thing that is stopping me is well my boss is in the next office (aka less than fifty feet away) and drooling on a desk really is not the cutest thing.
So to keep myself awake I am playing this video over and over on silent due to the boss less than fifty feet away thing.
Okay so this one made me laugh really hard.
Apparently it's been around FOREVER, but really I don't care.
When I am old and even more boring than I am now I will look at my blog and gosh darn it I want to see this video. Maybe by that point I will be half asleep and drooling, because who stop a grumpy old lady from napping.
Anyways, old person rant aside...
Click here
to watch one of the funniest videos ever. You will not know if you should laugh or cry with him.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Recipe Tuesday!!
Okay so not going to lie, I am becoming quite the stereotypical Molly Mormon homemaker minus the organization part, so maybe I'm not so Molly... haha. Anyways, I haven't burned anything in like A MONTH (knock on wood). All of the new recipes I've been experiment not only work, but taste great! For instance this little piece of art.
Yeah, I made that... dare I say that it is awesome.
Anyways, I've NEVER made bread before. I've watched others, but never myself.
So I present to you the EASIEST bread recipe.
Quick & Crusty French Baguettes
2 cups very warm water
1 packet yeast
2 tablespoons sugar
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
3-4 cups flour
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. In a large bowl, whisk together the warm water, yeast, and sugar. Set the bowl on top of your preheating oven for ten minutes. Stir in the salt and add the flour a half-cup at a time, until the dough becomes soft but not sticky. Knead the dough until elastic.
Cut the dough into four even pieces. Roll each of them into four long, thin ropes. Twist together two of the ropes to form one loaf. Twist the other two ropes together to form a second loaf. Transfer both onto a large baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
You can now bake the loaf right away (if you’re in a hurry) or allow it to rise for an additional 15-30 minutes on top of your warm oven.
Now for the SECRET: Fill a large bowl with 3-4 cups of ice. Open your hot oven and place the baking sheet with the baguettes inside, then toss the ice cubes on the bottom of the oven and quickly shut the door. Do NOT open your oven for 15 minutes. Bake until golden brown, about 15-18 minutes.
Serve fresh and hot with your favorite olive oil for dipping.
(I got the recipe from here)
I did forget to do the ice cube trick, so maybe it wasn't as good as it could've been. BUT IT WAS AMAZING. I made bbq crock pot chicken and we made little sandwiches with my homemade bread and it was BOMB.
I love you all. I'm off to my piano lesson. I have a recital on Thursday!! :)
Love, Evi
Yeah, I made that... dare I say that it is awesome.
Anyways, I've NEVER made bread before. I've watched others, but never myself.
So I present to you the EASIEST bread recipe.
Quick & Crusty French Baguettes
2 cups very warm water
1 packet yeast
2 tablespoons sugar
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
3-4 cups flour
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees. In a large bowl, whisk together the warm water, yeast, and sugar. Set the bowl on top of your preheating oven for ten minutes. Stir in the salt and add the flour a half-cup at a time, until the dough becomes soft but not sticky. Knead the dough until elastic.
Cut the dough into four even pieces. Roll each of them into four long, thin ropes. Twist together two of the ropes to form one loaf. Twist the other two ropes together to form a second loaf. Transfer both onto a large baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
You can now bake the loaf right away (if you’re in a hurry) or allow it to rise for an additional 15-30 minutes on top of your warm oven.
Now for the SECRET: Fill a large bowl with 3-4 cups of ice. Open your hot oven and place the baking sheet with the baguettes inside, then toss the ice cubes on the bottom of the oven and quickly shut the door. Do NOT open your oven for 15 minutes. Bake until golden brown, about 15-18 minutes.
Serve fresh and hot with your favorite olive oil for dipping.
(I got the recipe from here)
I did forget to do the ice cube trick, so maybe it wasn't as good as it could've been. BUT IT WAS AMAZING. I made bbq crock pot chicken and we made little sandwiches with my homemade bread and it was BOMB.
I love you all. I'm off to my piano lesson. I have a recital on Thursday!! :)
Love, Evi
Monday, June 27, 2011
Summer Sun Fever
HOLY HECK! I cannot do my homework for the life of me.
The same thing happens every year...
Here is "The Sun Cycle":
Yearly Rexburg reaches above 60 degrees for roughly five months (May-September).
November-April are depressing months due to the cold, lack of tan, lack of things to do.
Alas, as soon as it reaches 60 degrees or higher, Rexburg comes out of hibernation and people are EVERYWHERE.
Everyone is on a longboard, bike, or scooter.
Sno Shack and Snoasis get a steady following and of course the inevitable happens...
Grades drop.
Furthermore, grades drop because everyone just wants to be outside and not just outside, but outside enjoying the sun (AKA not doing homework).
Thus, days like today.
I got out of class at 1:45. We went to Wally World to get me a "floatie," ya the ones that you can completely lay out on and float to your heart's content. Then proceeded to go to Rigby Lake to tan, float, and splash around. Following that, we might as well go to Target and get camping supplies for this weekend.
Thus the lives of BYUI students infected by the sun fever.
AKA: sun = a for activities
x= fun, y=tan, therefore. x= a + y. Can I count that for homework?
Happy tanning Rexburg!!
Love, Evi
The same thing happens every year...
Here is "The Sun Cycle":
Yearly Rexburg reaches above 60 degrees for roughly five months (May-September).
November-April are depressing months due to the cold, lack of tan, lack of things to do.
Alas, as soon as it reaches 60 degrees or higher, Rexburg comes out of hibernation and people are EVERYWHERE.
Everyone is on a longboard, bike, or scooter.
Sno Shack and Snoasis get a steady following and of course the inevitable happens...
Grades drop.
Furthermore, grades drop because everyone just wants to be outside and not just outside, but outside enjoying the sun (AKA not doing homework).
Thus, days like today.
I got out of class at 1:45. We went to Wally World to get me a "floatie," ya the ones that you can completely lay out on and float to your heart's content. Then proceeded to go to Rigby Lake to tan, float, and splash around. Following that, we might as well go to Target and get camping supplies for this weekend.
Thus the lives of BYUI students infected by the sun fever.
AKA: sun = a for activities
x= fun, y=tan, therefore. x= a + y. Can I count that for homework?
Happy tanning Rexburg!!
Love, Evi
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Caturday Saturday on Sunday... Oops
Okay last one for the day.
This video made us laugh SO HARD.
Love it. Look for the black kitten in the middle that slams into the gate.
Click here.
Funniest cat fail compilation EVER
This video made us laugh SO HARD.
Love it. Look for the black kitten in the middle that slams into the gate.
Click here.
Funniest cat fail compilation EVER
Our First Home :)
So that is a sneak peak of our home. The tiny room with clearly all of our luggage and junk is a small storage room that we have. I forgot to take pictures of our bathroom which might be the cutest room in our house, so I'll have to post those later. :) Our home is plain, but it feels like home and it is our first. I love it. I love coming "home" everyday to my husband and the things that make this place our home.
Okay I swear I've been super sick and haven't been able to blog much.
BUT I'm feeling better :) So to prove it here is a blog post I've been meaning to do.
Here are some pictures from this last week!!
Rigby Lake <3 We just discovered this lake that is fifteen minutes away. Since we don't exactly have access to the incredible beaches back home, we are making do with this sweet little lake that is close by. Plus it is rad because I started tanning. Just watch, I'll be black by the end of the Summer :)
I made baguettes today! From scratch!! I have never made bread by myself so I'm excited that it turned out and tasted awesome! I'll post the recipe for "Recipe Tuesday."
Homework break at Porter Park. It was the first day that I started to feel better so Adam talked me into leaving the house.
Organ concert that I went to. Lets just say it was INCREDIBLE.
We kind of have a snow cone addiction :)
Our cafeteria had corned beef and cabbage, my FAVORITE, it was awesome. Seriously, how many cafeterias actually feature food that not only tastes good but looks this good, too.
Rexburg has these gorgeous trees and I couldn't help but to take a picture.
Then I wanted a picture with the tree. Sunday outfit photo op!
Have a good Sunday people!!
Love, Evi
BUT I'm feeling better :) So to prove it here is a blog post I've been meaning to do.
Here are some pictures from this last week!!
Rigby Lake <3 We just discovered this lake that is fifteen minutes away. Since we don't exactly have access to the incredible beaches back home, we are making do with this sweet little lake that is close by. Plus it is rad because I started tanning. Just watch, I'll be black by the end of the Summer :)
I made baguettes today! From scratch!! I have never made bread by myself so I'm excited that it turned out and tasted awesome! I'll post the recipe for "Recipe Tuesday."
Homework break at Porter Park. It was the first day that I started to feel better so Adam talked me into leaving the house.
Organ concert that I went to. Lets just say it was INCREDIBLE.
We kind of have a snow cone addiction :)
Our cafeteria had corned beef and cabbage, my FAVORITE, it was awesome. Seriously, how many cafeterias actually feature food that not only tastes good but looks this good, too.
Rexburg has these gorgeous trees and I couldn't help but to take a picture.
Then I wanted a picture with the tree. Sunday outfit photo op!
Have a good Sunday people!!
Love, Evi
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Recipe Tuesday/YouTube Wednesday All-in-One!
So I've been REALLY sick and when i say REALLY sick, I mean it.
Let's just say my fever has not feigned for days and while I have been forced to continue attending all of my classes, I am definitely falling apart.
I definitely have not worn make up for five days, but the upside is that my skin is TOTALLY clear. Funny how things work.
Lucky for Adam, even though my recent make-up strike has done me well I do not plan on retiring the make up bag anytime soon considering that I have felt like a complete nasty sickly bum for the last week. As I face what appears to be the end of my illness I am looking forward to enjoying all of my Summer clothes and flip flops in addition to all of the cute hairdos I've been finding on pinterest.
Anyways, I give you first... RECIPE TUESDAY.
Since I have been on my death bed for the last week I haven't cooked at all. No joke. Poor Adam.
BUT we did make our own horchata a couple weeks ago that was totally fab.
The recipe calls for rum, but due to our Mormon-ness obviously we didn't spike it.
1 cup uncooked long grain rice
2 quarts warm water
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 1/4 cups milk
1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup rum, or to taste (optional)
16 cubes ice
Mix the rice and warm water together in a bowl, and let stand for 1/2 hour. Reserving the water, drain, and place the rice in the bowl of a food processor. Add the cinnamon and process until a paste forms. Return the rice to the water and let stand at least 2 hours, stirring occasionally as the water turns milky white.
Strain the rice through a fine sieve into a bowl or pitcher. Stir in the milk, condensed milk, vanilla, and rum, if desired, until evenly blended. Refrigerate at least 2 hours.
To serve, divide the ice cubes between four glasses, and pour the chilled horchata over the ice.
ENJOY. Make sure you use a food processor, our lame Wal-Mart blender didn't do so well. I guess it is time to have my mom send our food processor up here.
And here is YouTube Wednesday! We definitely laughed at this and watched the whole thing. Check it out here.
Okay friends tomorrow is Awkward and Awesome Thursday :) Get excited.
Love, the sickly version of Evi
Let's just say my fever has not feigned for days and while I have been forced to continue attending all of my classes, I am definitely falling apart.
I definitely have not worn make up for five days, but the upside is that my skin is TOTALLY clear. Funny how things work.
Lucky for Adam, even though my recent make-up strike has done me well I do not plan on retiring the make up bag anytime soon considering that I have felt like a complete nasty sickly bum for the last week. As I face what appears to be the end of my illness I am looking forward to enjoying all of my Summer clothes and flip flops in addition to all of the cute hairdos I've been finding on pinterest.
Anyways, I give you first... RECIPE TUESDAY.
Since I have been on my death bed for the last week I haven't cooked at all. No joke. Poor Adam.
BUT we did make our own horchata a couple weeks ago that was totally fab.
The recipe calls for rum, but due to our Mormon-ness obviously we didn't spike it.
1 cup uncooked long grain rice
2 quarts warm water
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 1/4 cups milk
1 (14 ounce) can sweetened condensed milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 cup rum, or to taste (optional)
16 cubes ice
Mix the rice and warm water together in a bowl, and let stand for 1/2 hour. Reserving the water, drain, and place the rice in the bowl of a food processor. Add the cinnamon and process until a paste forms. Return the rice to the water and let stand at least 2 hours, stirring occasionally as the water turns milky white.
Strain the rice through a fine sieve into a bowl or pitcher. Stir in the milk, condensed milk, vanilla, and rum, if desired, until evenly blended. Refrigerate at least 2 hours.
To serve, divide the ice cubes between four glasses, and pour the chilled horchata over the ice.
ENJOY. Make sure you use a food processor, our lame Wal-Mart blender didn't do so well. I guess it is time to have my mom send our food processor up here.
And here is YouTube Wednesday! We definitely laughed at this and watched the whole thing. Check it out here.
Okay friends tomorrow is Awkward and Awesome Thursday :) Get excited.
Love, the sickly version of Evi
Monday, June 20, 2011
Time flies... 2 years come and gone!

(Graduation with two of my good friends with high school. Andrew and Spencer :) )

(Last day in California with one of my best friends Kimya Sadaghiani <3 )

(Ballet Conservatory Seniors in our "Mad World" costumes. I'm on the left :) )

(Ballet Conservatory Seniors with our senior boards)

(Freshman year at Aliso Niguel High School)
I cannot believe how quickly time has gone in the last two years.
I'm starting to see posts on how old friends are graduating from my old high school.
It has been two years since I graduated high school this week.
It kind of blows my mind.
Two years ago I was taking the last of my high school finals, practicing walking out onto our high school's football field.
Two years ago I was signing yearbooks for people I would never see again.
In some ways I miss high school. I miss choir, dance, ASB (student government), dances, seminary, dancing in the parking lot, morning bagel runs, Del Taco runs after school, laughing in our cars before school, and a lot more... but in all honesty I am a completely different person now. I never want to be the person I was in high school ever again. While I look back with no regrets, I do urge all of my friends who are now graduating high school to take inventory of who you are and what you have accomplished. Not to rain on your parade, but just because you graduated high school doesn't make you super special.
You have to go into the world and prove what you are worth. I admit I am living in a bubble right now, a big bubble called Rexburg,Idaho. However, the GPA I have now means so much more to me than the GPA I had in high school. Even though both GPAs are really high and actually the same number, the one I am working for now actually means something. It will be the GPA that my first real employers see when they look at my resume.
Just because you are graduating high school doesn't mean it is time to quit, it is time to prove yourself.
Furthermore, respect the time that you have. Two years ago I thought I was going to marry my high school boyfriend.
Well to be honest that did not last. At all. Instead we broke up, moved on, and after two weeks I went on my first date with my husband.
You never know what life is going to throw at you.
Enjoy your last Summer as a kid. Someday you will be paying bills and cooking meals. For some of you that may not happen for another four years, but you never know how fast things are going to happen. Do not get me wrong, marrying my husband was the best reality check I have ever had, in addition the best decision I have EVER made.
I guess the point of this post is... ENJOY YOUR TIME. LOVE EVERY SECOND and DON'T GIVE UP!
Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now. Enjoy graduation to all my little high school friends.
Love, Evi
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Happy Fathers Day!

I have some pretty amazing men in my life.
First man is my Daddy. My dad always has been and always will be the strongest and smartest man on the planet to me. Often times I find myself telling Adam facts and stories that I heard from my dad. Adam always says, "Where did you hear that from?" Inevitably it is almost always my dad; when Adam challenges what my dad told me, I google it... Of course my Dad is always right. We joke and say that I use the "Encyclopedia of Dad." Well my friends, I do. He edits my papers. He has a solution to all my problems, ALWAYS. He is a good listener. He gives super awesome hugs. He made my lunch every morning for 13 years. He drove me to seminary (a 6:30 AM religious class that occurs Mon-Fri) for the first two years of high school. He helps with my schooling and always pushes me to learn and do my best. He runs races me with me (5k's, 10k's... YOU NAME IT). He still treats me like his little girl and loves me unconditionally. Throughout my life he has maintained several roles as a leader at work, at church, and at home, but he has always made time for his three daughters. He took me out on countless "dates." He never forgets to remind me that I am the "Amazing Evi." Dad, thank you for the daddy daughter campouts, for being my date to the daddy-daughter dances, for being my best friend when I had none, for the tickle monster, bedtime songs, for putting on my shoes and tying them, for the countless angel's games I got to spend beside you, for teaching me what it means to be a strong member and believer in Christ. Thank you for being a powerful example and superhero. I love you Daddy with all of my heart. Wish I could spend today with you.
Second man is my husband, the "future daddy" in my life. Adam you are going to be an amazing dad. I hope someday, years down the line, you will read this before we have our first children and know that I believe in you. You have the heart of a child. I love you for that. I love that you remind me that it is still okay to play in the park, make s'mores, dance in the rain, and giggle. You are so strong and capable of all that you set your mind to. You may not be a dad, yet. You are a dad in the making. Please keep laughing, smiling, playing, and giggling. Keep tickling me like there is no tomorrow, because my friend someday you're going to need those skills. I love you.
Third man is my father-in-law. David, I may be the newbie to the family, but I know a good dad when I see 'em. Thank you for being a father to my husband. I recognize that without your compassion, love, kindness, and discipline Adam wouldn't be the man that I am married to today. You never forget to remind us that you love us and support us and for that I thank you. We love you.
Fourth man is my Grandpa Hayhurst. I know that he may never read this, but I think it is important for the world to know that I really do love my Grandpa. Sometimes he is a man of few words, but he has taught me a great deal. He has taught me how to respect my elders. He has taught me that it's okay to buy an extra donut and munch on it without telling Grandma. He taught me that singing Happy Birthday can make a person's day. He taught me the beauty of the mountains. He taught me that he is still my Daddy's Daddy. Without him I wouldn't have my Daddy. Thanks Grandpa. I love you.
So to all the other Dads not included in this post. Thank you. Thank you for molding the people who surround me into the people that they are. I love my life and the people in it and if it weren't for the daddys in my life, life would not be the same.
Love you all.
Love, Evi
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Caturday. Yes, Caturday Saturday
So no one complained about Caturday last Saturday so we are continuing... mkay?
Today we have this totally ADORABLE cat who is completely after my heart. Seriously, he looks like he is reading. My kind of cat.

(source: www.cuteoverload.com)
Next we have this little treasure. I cannot explain to you why it is so flipping funny, but my friends it is to me. I laughed till tears welled up in my eyes. It's so sad and so funny!! Watch it here :)
Love it.
And I love you all.
Love, Evi
Today we have this totally ADORABLE cat who is completely after my heart. Seriously, he looks like he is reading. My kind of cat.

(source: www.cuteoverload.com)
Next we have this little treasure. I cannot explain to you why it is so flipping funny, but my friends it is to me. I laughed till tears welled up in my eyes. It's so sad and so funny!! Watch it here :)
Love it.
And I love you all.
Love, Evi
Friday, June 17, 2011
Oh the future... You sound SO fun.
Considering that Adam and I are far off from having children or living somewhere we can have a dog, makes the this post even more fun.
Thus, we the Figgats, bring you....
We love Remus and Romulus for dogs.
Adam loves the name Marathon (that is what he called one of the cats I rescued).
I want to name fish: John, Paul, George, and Ringo.
We like...
and I like Reagan, Adam doesn't though :( but all the others we BOTH like. :)
We want to live in San Clemente, California in a home that looks like this:

With a view like this:

and our dogs will look like these:

As for the kids... Well we really do not know what those will look like... BUT according to Grandma Norma our kids will have "the thickest brown hair!" She definitely loves to remind us.
Love you all. Have a great weekend.
Love, Evi
Thus, we the Figgats, bring you....
We love Remus and Romulus for dogs.
Adam loves the name Marathon (that is what he called one of the cats I rescued).
I want to name fish: John, Paul, George, and Ringo.
We like...
and I like Reagan, Adam doesn't though :( but all the others we BOTH like. :)
We want to live in San Clemente, California in a home that looks like this:

With a view like this:

and our dogs will look like these:

As for the kids... Well we really do not know what those will look like... BUT according to Grandma Norma our kids will have "the thickest brown hair!" She definitely loves to remind us.
Love you all. Have a great weekend.
Love, Evi
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Awkward and Awesome Thursday!!
Hey everyone!! So it's that day of the week again.
It's been a productive and awesome week. So here we go...
-Snorting while laughing in class.
-Drama. Geez I could definitely do without it in my life.
-Tripping up stairs. Is it possible to get more and more clumsy?
-Word vomit. Sometimes I can't stop!! asdfja;sdjf.
-Having a stranger in your apartment. I know he was just installing things, but having a stranger in my bathroom and moving my bed is awkward.
-Kitchen appliances breaking in the middle of use. stupid blender...
-Boogers. Okay, boogers should be on a nasty list, but let's be honest here people... Boogers happen.
-Bloody noses after time travel... DANG YOU LOST. I swear we need to finish this flipping series.
-My midterm grades!! Yay! Looks like I'm keeping my academic scholarship!
-Cycling classes. I think I'm hooked. I only biked 14 miles, but hey that is better than nothing.
-Homemade horchata. Ya, we are legit and totally made homemade horchata. You may refer to me as Senora Evi!
-Clean apartment. Whoever said cleanliness is next to Godliness first must have been a GENIUS!
-Less than 24 hours till the weekend :) I'm looking forward to sleeping in.
-Frozen peas. Dear gosh.... SO GOOD. Adam even says, "Awww yaaaa" to this one.
-Finishing yet another analysis paper, it feels SO good to accomplish those suckers.
-Adam's birthday. I loved having an excuse to spoil him with a new video game (Assassin's Creed) and a new season of Flight of the Concords, and I cleaned the apartment, and made a cheesecake. It was fun.
-HOLY HECK we LOVE snow cones. I cannot tell you how many we have had the last couple weeks.
Well that is all for now folks. Let's see if I remember to post Top Five Friday!
Love, Evi
It's been a productive and awesome week. So here we go...
-Snorting while laughing in class.
-Drama. Geez I could definitely do without it in my life.
-Tripping up stairs. Is it possible to get more and more clumsy?
-Word vomit. Sometimes I can't stop!! asdfja;sdjf.
-Having a stranger in your apartment. I know he was just installing things, but having a stranger in my bathroom and moving my bed is awkward.
-Kitchen appliances breaking in the middle of use. stupid blender...
-Boogers. Okay, boogers should be on a nasty list, but let's be honest here people... Boogers happen.
-Bloody noses after time travel... DANG YOU LOST. I swear we need to finish this flipping series.
-My midterm grades!! Yay! Looks like I'm keeping my academic scholarship!
-Cycling classes. I think I'm hooked. I only biked 14 miles, but hey that is better than nothing.
-Homemade horchata. Ya, we are legit and totally made homemade horchata. You may refer to me as Senora Evi!
-Clean apartment. Whoever said cleanliness is next to Godliness first must have been a GENIUS!
-Less than 24 hours till the weekend :) I'm looking forward to sleeping in.
-Frozen peas. Dear gosh.... SO GOOD. Adam even says, "Awww yaaaa" to this one.
-Finishing yet another analysis paper, it feels SO good to accomplish those suckers.
-Adam's birthday. I loved having an excuse to spoil him with a new video game (Assassin's Creed) and a new season of Flight of the Concords, and I cleaned the apartment, and made a cheesecake. It was fun.
-HOLY HECK we LOVE snow cones. I cannot tell you how many we have had the last couple weeks.
Well that is all for now folks. Let's see if I remember to post Top Five Friday!
Love, Evi
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
YouTube Wednesday :)
So after we giggled over several YouTube videos we concluded that this was the funniest.
Adam is so going to be this old man someday...
Watch it here!
Love, Evi
Adam is so going to be this old man someday...
Watch it here!
Love, Evi
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Recipe Tuesday :) New York Style Cheesecake

Hey everyone! Remember how I've been trying to do recipe Tuesdays...
Well here it is. I remembered!
Today I'm giving you the recipe for the Honey Maid New York Style Cheesecake.
I found it on the back of the box of Honey Maid graham cracker crumbs.
It is in the top five best things I have ever baked and has the hubby stamp of approval.
He doesn't like cake very much so I made him a cheesecake. He loved it. Thank gosh.
Here ya go...
1 3/4 cups graham cracker crumbs (but it or make your own... doesn't matter)
1/3 cups margarine or butter, melted.
1 1/4 cups sugar (you'll use 1/4 for the crust, the rest for the filling)
3 pkg. (8 oz. each) cream cheese
2 tsp. vanilla
3 eggs
1 cup sour cream
1 can (21 oz.) cherry pie filling (OPTIONAL) -- we used the filling, it was tasty. I was thinking it'd be good to get raspberries and make my own sauce next time.
Preheat oven to 350 if using a silver 8 or 9 inch springform pan (or 325 if using a dark nonstick 8 or 9 in springform pan). Mix graham cracker crumbs, margarine, and 1/4 cup of the sugar. Press firmly onto bottom and 2 1/2 inches up the side of the pan; set aside.
Beat cream cheese, remaining 1 cup sugar, and the vanilla in a large bowl with electric mixer on high speed until well blended. Add eggs, 1 at a time, mixing on low speed after each addition just until blended. Add sour cream. Pour into crust.
Bake 1 hour to 1 hour 10 minutes or until center is almost set. Turn off oven. Leaving door slightly ajar, leave cheesecake in oven 1 hour. remove rom oven; cool completely. Refrigerate four hours or overnight. Remove side of pan; top with pie filling. Store leftover cheesecake in refrigerator. (Makes 16 servings)
Don't be frightened if it rises a lot. It does that, or at least in Idaho it does. Remember if you are at a highly climate really watch it after 50 minutes of baking, it might cook a bit faster than it would in California.
Have fun.
Love, Evi
Happy birthday to my husband :)
So here is the thing my people,
I have failed at blogging for the last two weeks.
Life got crazy (i.e. midterms).
So the first thing to go was the blogging.
I'm sorry. Forgive me?
Anyways, some pretty awesome things have been happening.
One, I survived midterms. HOLLA!
Two, husband turned 24. Dang. That's old... (well I guess maybe I'm just young...)
Three, we have been on relationship high for the last week and for a couple that fights like old people and serenades the neighbors with our ever-so-kind arguing, that is a very VERY very good thing.
Four, I'm learning to laugh more. Who knew laughing was SO much fun?! It's sad that I can really only things of four times off the top of my head where I was laughing so hard that tears welled up. Well, my friends, that is changing. Let's just say I've made it a goal. (Fun idea from another blog... During my seven week Summer break, I am doing seven weeks to a better me. Just wait and see!)
Five, we finished season 4 of Lost. Yes, that is something to celebrate. Two more season to go and still SO many questions to be answered.
Now to move onto this post's main even... drum roll please...
This post is now going to be all about my number one, other half, best friend, confidant, partner in crime, and (insert all other rad nicknames for my hubby here).
Adam is awesome.
He loves the color blue, "black gold" (a nasty combo of dr. pepper, coke, and something else), video games, long showers, Mexican food (more specifically horchata and GIANT burritos), being outside, acting like a kid, being clean, listening to music and singing obnoxiously along, and best of all he loves me.
He is twenty-four years old.
He is frickin HILARIOUS.
He gives me kisses on the cheek every night as we fall asleep and inevitably holds my hand as I drift into my slumbers.
He loves to vacuum, just to make those lines on the carpet. Then he proceeds, every time, to say "Feel it! It feels so good!" Crazy clean freak!
He has a really strong testimony of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and served a two year mission for our church in Ohio.
He is a REALLY good kid.
He is so good in fact that he is a sneaky little persuasive one. I swear he can convince me to do anything he wants, including countless snow cone runs and watching him play video games.
Overall, I love everything about this boy.
Happy birthday Adam.
You are the best.
Love, Evi
I have failed at blogging for the last two weeks.
Life got crazy (i.e. midterms).
So the first thing to go was the blogging.
I'm sorry. Forgive me?
Anyways, some pretty awesome things have been happening.
One, I survived midterms. HOLLA!
Two, husband turned 24. Dang. That's old... (well I guess maybe I'm just young...)
Three, we have been on relationship high for the last week and for a couple that fights like old people and serenades the neighbors with our ever-so-kind arguing, that is a very VERY very good thing.
Four, I'm learning to laugh more. Who knew laughing was SO much fun?! It's sad that I can really only things of four times off the top of my head where I was laughing so hard that tears welled up. Well, my friends, that is changing. Let's just say I've made it a goal. (Fun idea from another blog... During my seven week Summer break, I am doing seven weeks to a better me. Just wait and see!)
Five, we finished season 4 of Lost. Yes, that is something to celebrate. Two more season to go and still SO many questions to be answered.
Now to move onto this post's main even... drum roll please...
This post is now going to be all about my number one, other half, best friend, confidant, partner in crime, and (insert all other rad nicknames for my hubby here).
Adam is awesome.
He loves the color blue, "black gold" (a nasty combo of dr. pepper, coke, and something else), video games, long showers, Mexican food (more specifically horchata and GIANT burritos), being outside, acting like a kid, being clean, listening to music and singing obnoxiously along, and best of all he loves me.
He is twenty-four years old.
He is frickin HILARIOUS.
He gives me kisses on the cheek every night as we fall asleep and inevitably holds my hand as I drift into my slumbers.
He loves to vacuum, just to make those lines on the carpet. Then he proceeds, every time, to say "Feel it! It feels so good!" Crazy clean freak!
He has a really strong testimony of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and served a two year mission for our church in Ohio.
He is a REALLY good kid.
He is so good in fact that he is a sneaky little persuasive one. I swear he can convince me to do anything he wants, including countless snow cone runs and watching him play video games.
Overall, I love everything about this boy.
Happy birthday Adam.
You are the best.
Love, Evi
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Caturday Saturday
Okay, so it sounds lame, but well... we like the sound of it so we are going to try it out.
If anyone thinks this is stupid let me know and we will stop. As for today, well I'm posting it.
Today's features are these little cuties...

The last two made me say "Awww" out loud, the first one is just funny. Enjoy!
(Source: www.cuteoverload.com)
If anyone thinks this is stupid let me know and we will stop. As for today, well I'm posting it.
Today's features are these little cuties...

The last two made me say "Awww" out loud, the first one is just funny. Enjoy!
(Source: www.cuteoverload.com)
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Awkward and Awesome Thursday!!
Hey ya'll sorry I've been neglecting the blog lately.
Honestly, my life has been kicking my butt.
We just finished midterms here at BYUI and registration just started, which means work gets kind of crazy.
Life is good though. Just to update you and you are about to here about it.
Let's get started...
-Hickeys on married and non married people alike. Just because you are married doesn't make hickeys classy people.
-PDA. Oh my gosh. Okay so Adam and I are totally down for the quick peck, hugs, hand holding, and arms around each other; but, making out so we can HEAR it. EWWWW. The fact that I can hear you smacking proves you are amateurs at kissing or you're just sloppy. Either way, discontinue immediately.
-Hearing your piano fart during your lesson. Let's just say I tried to ignore it, but laughed immediately after leaving. (Realizing after posting that you made a major typo and meant to say "piano teacher" but yes it would be awkward to hear your piano fart)
-Forgetting to pull down my shirt after going to the bathroom. Sometimes I forget and now that I wear garments I can't feel the breeze. Geeeez. (Want to know what garments are? Click here)
-Having to tell a student at work they aren't quite ready to graduate... sorry...
-Flag football. Geez it is SO fun.
-Adam's birthday is Monday. Plans are made, cheesecake found, and he still doesn't know what his present is!
-Packages from home. I love it. Plus Adam got socks from my mom which means he can stop stealing mine!
-Corned beef in the cafeteria. Seriously, how fancy can ones university cafeteria get?!
-Spending two hours cleaning the LDS Rexburg, Idaho Temple. Seriously the most peaceful two hours of the last few months.
-The new X-Men movie. Both awkward and awesome, but way more awesome.
-Buffalo Wild Wings. I went twice last weekend. Let's just say I am hooked.
-Horchata. Yes, Winco sells it. Yes, we buy three cartons every time we go. No, there is no way in heck that we are sharing!!
-Getting three papers back from your various 300-level English courses. An 88%, 94%, and 96%... not too shabby!
-Big Juds TOMORROW. Don't worry we will eat a 5 lb burger for you all!
Have a great weekend people. I love you all. Remember to make it a great weekend.
Love, Evi
Honestly, my life has been kicking my butt.
We just finished midterms here at BYUI and registration just started, which means work gets kind of crazy.
Life is good though. Just to update you and you are about to here about it.
Let's get started...
-Hickeys on married and non married people alike. Just because you are married doesn't make hickeys classy people.
-PDA. Oh my gosh. Okay so Adam and I are totally down for the quick peck, hugs, hand holding, and arms around each other; but, making out so we can HEAR it. EWWWW. The fact that I can hear you smacking proves you are amateurs at kissing or you're just sloppy. Either way, discontinue immediately.
-Hearing your piano fart during your lesson. Let's just say I tried to ignore it, but laughed immediately after leaving. (Realizing after posting that you made a major typo and meant to say "piano teacher" but yes it would be awkward to hear your piano fart)
-Forgetting to pull down my shirt after going to the bathroom. Sometimes I forget and now that I wear garments I can't feel the breeze. Geeeez. (Want to know what garments are? Click here)
-Having to tell a student at work they aren't quite ready to graduate... sorry...
-Flag football. Geez it is SO fun.
-Adam's birthday is Monday. Plans are made, cheesecake found, and he still doesn't know what his present is!
-Packages from home. I love it. Plus Adam got socks from my mom which means he can stop stealing mine!
-Corned beef in the cafeteria. Seriously, how fancy can ones university cafeteria get?!
-Spending two hours cleaning the LDS Rexburg, Idaho Temple. Seriously the most peaceful two hours of the last few months.
-The new X-Men movie. Both awkward and awesome, but way more awesome.
-Buffalo Wild Wings. I went twice last weekend. Let's just say I am hooked.
-Horchata. Yes, Winco sells it. Yes, we buy three cartons every time we go. No, there is no way in heck that we are sharing!!
-Getting three papers back from your various 300-level English courses. An 88%, 94%, and 96%... not too shabby!
-Big Juds TOMORROW. Don't worry we will eat a 5 lb burger for you all!
Have a great weekend people. I love you all. Remember to make it a great weekend.
Love, Evi
Sunday, June 5, 2011
A good friend of mine...
A good friend of mine warned me that when you get married things aren't as easy as you think.
Well, this week has proved that warning correct.
While I could easily whine and complain about how my little fairy tale romance sometimes goes awry, I would rather write how there is always a way things could get worse.
Sometimes the husband decides to rearrange the kitchen... at least he likes to clean.
Sometimes friends decide to not invite you to things... at least it leaves more time to be productive.
Sometimes you sleep through your flag football game... at least you got a nap.
Sometimes you get a bad review at work... at least you have a job.
Sometimes your classmates totally shoot you down during a discussion... at least you are getting an education.
Sometimes you burn your hand while cooking... at least you have food to eat.
Sometimes you feel alone... at least there is always God to pray to.
All in all, sometimes things suck. Overall, I am grateful for what I have and hope that maybe this next week will go better.
Love you all. Hope your Sunday is as beautiful and sunny as mine.
Well, this week has proved that warning correct.
While I could easily whine and complain about how my little fairy tale romance sometimes goes awry, I would rather write how there is always a way things could get worse.
Sometimes the husband decides to rearrange the kitchen... at least he likes to clean.
Sometimes friends decide to not invite you to things... at least it leaves more time to be productive.
Sometimes you sleep through your flag football game... at least you got a nap.
Sometimes you get a bad review at work... at least you have a job.
Sometimes your classmates totally shoot you down during a discussion... at least you are getting an education.
Sometimes you burn your hand while cooking... at least you have food to eat.
Sometimes you feel alone... at least there is always God to pray to.
All in all, sometimes things suck. Overall, I am grateful for what I have and hope that maybe this next week will go better.
Love you all. Hope your Sunday is as beautiful and sunny as mine.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Awkward and Awesome Thursday!!
Here we go people, you know the drill...
Farting in public. Ew.
Talking on the phone to a friend, while at the grocery store and realizing you have an eavesdropper.
Forgetting someones name. Darn you bad memory!
Sitting behind two REALLY smelly people in one of my classes. Let's just say I intentionally sit so that there is at least a one seat buffer zone.
Feeling fat after eating pizza.
Getting out of bed knowing that the air is cold.
Not being able to remember the REALLY good awkward I had to tell... :(
Texting the wrong number multiple times and eventually getting an irate text message.
Empty streets in Rexburg.
Getting your food before the person who ordered before you.
Coupons. We got pizza, breadsticks, and 2 44 oz. drinks for $6.50.
Naps. Dang we have had some epic naps this week.
Actually doing some good through my job (I love helping people and not having to tell them bad news!)
Sleeping in three days straight.
Classes being cancelled.
Getting a post-it love note from Adam at work.
Getting a 96% on an analysis paper for one of my 300-level classes. Holla! (Small miracle I tell you!)
Celebrating birthdays (did I mention the hubby's is in 2 weeks! He has no idea what his gift is... *insert evil laugh here*)
Happy weekend people!!
Farting in public. Ew.
Talking on the phone to a friend, while at the grocery store and realizing you have an eavesdropper.
Forgetting someones name. Darn you bad memory!
Sitting behind two REALLY smelly people in one of my classes. Let's just say I intentionally sit so that there is at least a one seat buffer zone.
Feeling fat after eating pizza.
Getting out of bed knowing that the air is cold.
Not being able to remember the REALLY good awkward I had to tell... :(
Texting the wrong number multiple times and eventually getting an irate text message.
Empty streets in Rexburg.
Getting your food before the person who ordered before you.
Coupons. We got pizza, breadsticks, and 2 44 oz. drinks for $6.50.
Naps. Dang we have had some epic naps this week.
Actually doing some good through my job (I love helping people and not having to tell them bad news!)
Sleeping in three days straight.
Classes being cancelled.
Getting a post-it love note from Adam at work.
Getting a 96% on an analysis paper for one of my 300-level classes. Holla! (Small miracle I tell you!)
Celebrating birthdays (did I mention the hubby's is in 2 weeks! He has no idea what his gift is... *insert evil laugh here*)
Happy weekend people!!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
YouTube Wednesdays
So I'm thinking of trying something on here.
What do you think of YouTube Wednesdays?
Each Wednesday I will post hilarious, inspirational, or overall worth watching.
Today, well... this totally made laugh HARD. Adam showed it to me. He is really good at finding YouTube videos that make me laugh.
Here ya go. Enjoy!!
Click here for lots of giggles :)
Plus, who can hate kittens?!
What do you think of YouTube Wednesdays?
Each Wednesday I will post hilarious, inspirational, or overall worth watching.
Today, well... this totally made laugh HARD. Adam showed it to me. He is really good at finding YouTube videos that make me laugh.
Here ya go. Enjoy!!
Click here for lots of giggles :)
Plus, who can hate kittens?!
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