Thursday, July 28, 2011

It's a Hunchback of Notre Dame kind of day...

So basically it is a Hunchback of Notre Dame kind of day because, well, uh... I look like Quasimodo aka the guy above... I woke up this morning with a BIG, FAT, SWOLLEN eye. It's gross and refuse to post a picture of myself. I promise Quasimodo is an accurate interpretation minus the whole misshapen body thing... Since no one could cover my shift, I am gracing Brigham Young University Idaho's students and visitors with a bulging eye. I mean who does that? It looks like a ball of infection rather than my lovely m&m brown eyes. (mmmmmm, don't M&M's sound good?!) Oh well. Speaking of delicious things, I have been denying myself delicious things and am working to healthier diet. Plus I'm proud to announce that I worked out with Adam and we hope to do it again tonight if I'm feeling better. Woohoo! Hope you all are having a fabulous Thursday!! One day till the weekend. :)
That's all.
Ta Ta For Now,

1 comment:

  1. oh no!! How did that happen? Well, people are nice at BYU-I so that's good and hopefully it goes away soon :)

    Notes She Wrote
