Thursday, December 22, 2011


I meant to post this on my birthday, but of course it was a usual blogger fail on my behalf when I realized two days later that I never posted it. I really need to learn to utilize my ability to schedule posts in advance.
So, here it is: 21 goals for this next year. These aren't in order except for the last one :)

21. Laugh everyday.
20. Learn to control my anxiety a bit better. (No more panic attacks!)
19. Learn to hem my own jeans.
18. Read 50 books (including Catcher in the Rye, Devil in the White City, and 1984).
17. Talk Adam into swing dancing with me or going to the school's masquerade again.
16. Go into the Salt Lake City LDS Temple.
15. Go on a mini-vacation with Adam. Just the two of us.
14. Successfully make a batch of cookies. Puffy, not flat. Sweet, not salty. AND definitely not burnt.
13. Go to Baby Charlotte's temple sealing.
12. Keep my side of the room spotless for minimum two weeks (don't judge haha).
11. Up-cycle a piece of clothing.
10. Get a pet!
9. Graduate from BYU-I with my degree in English Education Composite Degree.
8. Stop chipping at my nail polish.
7. Write our "love story."
6. Sing karaoke and record it
5. Go camping and this time actually cook (last time we just ate junk for two days)
4. Get rid of 3 trash bags of clothes before we move away from Idaho.
3. Successfully grow a plant and keep it alive for at least a month.
2. Learn to play and memorize Bach's "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring."
1. Do something nice for Adam everyday.

1 comment:

  1. Evi I love this post!! Some of these are my goals, too. My goal is to keep my closet clean for the hubs, it drives him crazy!! And I can so relate to the cookies... I don't know what is up but they never turn out quite right. I can relate to the anxiety, too. Good luck with your goals!!! Merry Christmas!
